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m6A RNA Depletor - CatchMe Therapeutics

Alternative Names: m6A RNA Depletor - CatchMe Therapeutics
Latest Update: None
Latest Update Note: None

Product Description

Our first target indication will be acute myeloid leukemia (AML). AML is one of the most common and lethal hematopoietic malignancies. So far, the current treatment for AML is still insufficient and there is a significant unmet medical need for high-risk naïve patients and relapse refractory patients. The expression of m6A modifying proteins is upregulated in AML cells; Depletion of the m6A writer proteins, induces the differentiation and apoptosis of myeloid leukemia cells and delays the occurrence of leukemia in mice. Inhibition of m6A reader protein in AML, eradicates cancer cells and leukemic stem cells (LSC) without compromise normal hematopoiesis. (Sourced from: https://www.futurx.co.il/portfolio/catchme/)

Mechanisms of Action: m6A Depletor

Novel Mechanism: Yes

Modality: Nucleic Acid

Route of Administration: N/A

FDA Designation: None *

Approval Status: Not Approved

Approved Countries: None

Approved Indications: None

Known Adverse Events: None

Company: CatchMe Therapeutics
Company Location:
Company CEO:
Additonal Commercial Interests: None

Clinical Description

Map of Global Clinical Trials for m6A RNA Depletor - CatchMe Therapeutics

Countries in Clinic:

Active Clinical Trial Count:

Highest Development Phases

Phase 0: Acute Myeloid Leukemia



Trial Status


Primary Completion Date

Probability of Success

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