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Alternative Names: LBT-3627, LBT 3627, LBT3627
Latest Update: 2024-08-07
Latest Update Note: Clinical Trial Update

Product Description

Longevity Biotech is currently developing LBT-3627 as a novel neuroprotective agent as a possible treatment for disorders such as Parkinson's Disease. LBT-3627 is a Hybridtide® that targets the VIP family of receptors - specifically the VPAC2 receptor subtype. Empirically, VPAC2 provides more protection than the closely related VPAC1 receptor. Together with the team at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, we have worked to determine the details regarding the protective mechanism along with functional endpoints. The results were recently published and describe a variety of experiments each providing insight into the unique immunomodulatory mechanism of action of LBT-3627. Longevity Biotech is actively progressing this program through preclinical development and towards clinical trials. Our initial focus is on neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson's Disease. (Sourced from: https://www.longevitybiotech.com/2016/neuroscience-lbt-3627/)

Mechanisms of Action: VPAC2 Inhibitor

Novel Mechanism: Yes

Modality: Peptide/Protein

Route of Administration: N/A

FDA Designation: None *

Approval Status: Not Approved

Approved Countries: None

Approved Indications: None

Known Adverse Events: None

Company: Longevity Biotech Australia Pty Ltd (subsidiary)
Company Location:
Company CEO:
Additonal Commercial Interests: None

Clinical Description

Map of Global Clinical Trials for LBT-3627

Countries in Clinic: Australia

Active Clinical Trial Count: 1

Highest Development Phases

Phase 1: Parkinson's Disease



Trial Status


Primary Completion Date

Probability of Success




Parkinson's Disease


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