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Alternative Names: ARO-INHBE
Latest Update: 2024-08-14
Latest Update Note: News Article

Product Description

ARO-INHBE directly targets hepatic expression of the INHBE gene. Prior genetic studies have associated loss of function mutations in the INHBE gene with reduced levels of abdominal fat and an improved metabolic profile. Our preclinical data presented at ADA suggest that INHBE reduction with siRNA is a promising new approach to address obesity and metabolic diseases and strongly support advancing ARO-INHBE into clinical trials. (Sourced from: https://ir.arrowheadpharma.com/news-releases/news-release-details/arrowhead-pharmaceuticals-presents-preclinical-data-new-rnai)

Mechanisms of Action: INHBE Inhibitor

Novel Mechanism: Yes

Modality: Nucleic Acid

Route of Administration: N/A

FDA Designation: None *

Approval Status: Not Approved

Approved Countries: None

Approved Indications: None

Known Adverse Events: None

Company: Arrowhead
Company Location: PASADENA CA 91105
Company CEO: Christopher Anzalone
Additonal Commercial Interests: None

Clinical Description

Map of Global Clinical Trials for ARO-INHBE

Countries in Clinic:

Active Clinical Trial Count:

Highest Development Phases

Phase 0: Obesity



Trial Status


Primary Completion Date

Probability of Success

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