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Alternative Names: TMS-008, TMS 008, TMS008
Latest Update: 2024-05-14
Latest Update Note: Clinical Trial Update

Product Description

TMS-008 is a small molecule compound belonging to the SMTP (stachybotrys microspora triprenyl phenol) compound family derived from black mold, as TMS-007/JX10, expected to have potential as a therapeutic agent for acute kidney injury (AKI) with its anti-inflammatory activity based on soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) inhibition as well as antioxidant activity. AKI is an indication in which renal function rapidly declines over a period of hours to days, and no drug has been approved for treatment of AKI to date. AKI can be caused by a variety of reasons, including cardiac surgery and drug side effects. In a study of patients who underwent coronary artery bypass surgery or heart valve surgery, 43% of patients developed acute kidney injury after surgery, and the mortality rate within 30 days was reported to be as high as 20%. 1 Due to these, it is expected there is a significant unmet medical need for effective therapeutic agents for AKI. (Sourced from: https://www.tms-japan.co.jp/en/ir/news/auto_20240228544256/pdfFile.pdf)

Mechanisms of Action: Unknown

Novel Mechanism: No

Modality: Small Molecule

Route of Administration: N/A

FDA Designation: None *

Approval Status: Not Approved

Approved Countries: None

Approved Indications: None

Known Adverse Events: None

Company: TMS
Company Location:
Company CEO:
Additonal Commercial Interests: None

Clinical Description

Map of Global Clinical Trials for TMS-008

Countries in Clinic: Japan

Active Clinical Trial Count: 1

Highest Development Phases

Phase 1: Acute Kidney Injury



Trial Status


Primary Completion Date

Probability of Success



Not yet recruiting

Acute Kidney Injury


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