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Alternative Names: DA-7503, DA 7503, DA7503
Latest Update: 2024-04-30
Latest Update Note: Clinical Trial Update

Product Description

DA-7503 is a novel, potent, and selective inhibitor of tau aggregation for the treatment of AD and tauopathies. It selectively binds to pathological and detached forms of tau monomers to inhibit tau oligomer formation and in turn, prevents the transition of tau from a disordered soluble protein to the insoluble aggregate. DA-7503 effectively decreases intracellular tau oligomer, protofibril, filament, and neurofibrillary tangles in vitro and in vivo. Ultimately, It protects against pathological tau-induced neuronal degeneration and brain atrophy. Following oral administration of DA-7503, alleviation of major symptoms of AD, such as memory and cognition loss, has been confirmed in AD animal models such as P301L Tau-BiFC and rTg4510 Transgenic mice. As a small molecule, DA-7503 acts mainly on intracellular and pathological tau, providing key competitiveness compared to tau-targeting antibodies or non-selective tau inhibitors. (Sourced from: http://rnd.donga-st.com/en/sub/pipeline/da-7503.asp)

Mechanisms of Action: Tau Inhibitor

Novel Mechanism: Yes

Modality: Small Molecule

Route of Administration: N/A

FDA Designation: None *

Approval Status: Not Approved

Approved Countries: None

Approved Indications: None

Known Adverse Events: None

Company: Dong-A
Company Location:
Company CEO:
Additonal Commercial Interests: None

Clinical Description

Map of Global Clinical Trials for DA-7503

Countries in Clinic: Korea

Active Clinical Trial Count: 1

Highest Development Phases

Phase 1: Healthy Volunteers



Trial Status


Primary Completion Date

Probability of Success



Not yet recruiting

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