Product Description
AÊsmall-molecule inhibitor of choline kinase alpha (CHKA), with potential antineoplastic activity. TCD-717 targets and binds to CHKA, an enzyme that plays a key role in the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, the major phospholipid in eukaryotic cell membranes. Blockade of this enzyme induces cells to activate a different route for phospholipid production which causes a toxic effect and eventually leads to cell destruction. (Sourced from:
Mechanisms of Action: CHKA Inhibitor
Novel Mechanism: Yes
Modality: Small Molecule
Route of Administration: N/A
FDA Designation: None *
Approval Status: Not Approved
Approved Countries: None
Approved Indications: None
Known Adverse Events: None
Company: Traslational Cancer Drugs Pharma, SL
Company Location:
Company CEO:
Additonal Commercial Interests: None
Clinical Description

Countries in Clinic:
Active Clinical Trial Count:
Highest Development Phases
Phase 1: Oncology Solid Tumor Unspecified
Trial |
Phase |
Trial Status |
Disease |
Primary Completion Date |
Probability of Success |
T10-10646 | P1 |
Completed |
Oncology Solid Tumor Unspecified |
2014-02-01 |